Energy, Environment & Climate Change Consultancy Energy, Environment & Climate Change Consultancy

GBI has been at the forefront to deploying solutions to protect the environment, combat climate change and promote cleaner energy access in emerging markets.
Our Mission is to identify and offer innovations to address the challenges and opportunities in the public and private sector, develop the best business / deployment models and financing options to advance a cleaner and sustainable future.


Wet-waste management solutions; European Corporate,  based in India

The global multinational EU corporate (in India) was seeking to collaborate with start-ups, SMEs, corporates and/or R&D organizations to commercialize decentralized solutions that can treat kitchen/organic waste at source in India. For example – technology that can be used at private homes, or in communities such as apartment complexes.

Assessing the market for by-products of toilet resources in Pune; Dutch Consultancy/ International non-profit

Global Business Inroads was tasked by a premier Dutch environmental-consultancy to deliver market research and analysis for the by-products of toilet resources for Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) in Pune, India.

Energy storage technology commercialization; Gloria Energy Asset Co., Taiwan

Gloria Energy Asset Co. an on-grid and off-grid energy storage company based in Taiwan is currently working with GBI to commercialize and deploy their technology in India. GBI manages discussions with potential partners in India, facilitates the installation of the technology and coordinated services with partners in India.

ASK US about our Energy and Environmental Consultancy Services.